September Learning


In an effort to curtail the number of tabbed out browser windows I feel compelled to keep open, a running monthly list of things I wanted to learn seemed like a good idea. Doubly so since this place has laid dormant, and maybe it’d be fun to write about progress at some point.


I’ve been wanting to make my own backpacking gear, and have even ordered some kits from Ray Jardine’s website, but feel like I ought to pick up the basics before diving in… even though the kits say that’s entirely unnecessary. I’ve had a machine for a while now, and just haven’t done anything with it.

Tie Dye

Sure, I’m in middleschool. Plus, I’ve got a ton of white tees that’ve been ruined by healing tattoos. Not to mention all the free nonsense I get from work/events that would be more appealing as over-the-top hippie gear. There’s some sort of synergy here.

Only two things, halfway through the month. And we’re looking at a publication schedule of one entry per quarter. That’s great. Shoutout cheap hosting! ☯